

Jess Barrow

Jess Barrow is EdReports’ Managing Editor. Jess joined EdReports from Denver Public Schools where she focused on communications strategies and tactics to support a teacher leadership model being implemented across the district. Prior to working with DPS, Jess lived in Chittagong Bangladesh where she directed an English language foundation program at the Asian University for Women. She has been dedicated to the field of education throughout her career and has worked for school districts, government agencies, and non-profits in hopes of serving teachers and students and sharing their amazing stories. Jess earned her M.A. from Columbia University Teachers College and her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College.



Eric Hirsch

Eric Hirsch is the Founding Executive Director of EdReports. He was previously the Chief External Affairs Officer at the New Teacher Center, the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching Quality, and the Education Program Manager at the National Conference of State Legislatures. He has supported policymakers in 35 states, written and published more than 150 articles, book chapters, reports, and policy briefs, and presented at conferences on topics ranging from school governance to teaching quality. He has worked with education leaders in 20 states and 25 large districts to gather more than 1.5 million surveys from school-based educators about the teaching and learning conditions in their schools, providing more than 30,000 school reports that help educators and policymakers to create school environments to accelerate teacher effectiveness. Eric received his teacher certification in Massachusetts and his M.A. in political science from the University of Colorado.